Lebanon, Hezbollah futute are in Syria's balance
Published in Palm Beach Post on Monday March 3, 2014
Lebanon’s fate lies in Syria’s future
Ghassan Michel Rubeiz
It took ten months for Lebanon to form a new government. This
lengthy delay is symptomatic of rising national tension. At the center of debate
is the military participation of Lebanon’s Hezbollah and rival, Jihadi groups in
Syria’s war.
The Lebanese share power in peculiar ways. Half the
parliament belongs to a Christian community of various denominations. The other
half is Muslim: Sunnites, Shiites, Druze and Alawites. The President has to be a
Maronite - Catholic, the Prime Minister a Sunnite and the Speaker of the
Parliament a Shiite.
Many of Lebanon’s current leaders are former patrons of a civil
war which ended in 1990 through Saudi-led mediation. Riyadh and Tehran influence
Beirut with money, ideology and weapons.
In preparing for upcoming presidential elections in May, the new
cabinet is trying to reach a consensus that Lebanon take a neutral stance in
Syria’s conflict.
If suicide Jihadi explosions continue to target Hezbollah and
the wider Lebanese Shiite communities, the next president would not be smoothly
When the Syrian uprising erupted many Lebanese hoped it would lead
to the swift removal of President Assad. But the rebellion morphed into a civil
war threatening the entire region. Many support but few admire Assad.
The United Nations has already registered 935 000 Syrian refugees
in Lebanon. Lebanon’s four-million population hosts close to a million Syrians
and half a million Palestinians - the latter displaced by the first
Arab-Israeli war in 1948.
Hezbollah has an interesting history. This movement was formed to resist
the 1982 Israeli invasion. This invasion led to an 18-year occupation of south
Lebanon, the home territory of a marginalized Shiite community. Israel
invaded its northern neighbor to liquidate the Palestinian Liberation Organization
(PLO) which was conducting provocative operations from Lebanon against the
Zionist state. The PLO failed its military mission in Lebanon and
elsewhere, but Hezbollah managed to end Israel’s 1982 occupation in 2000.
Hezbollah gradually replaced the PLO as a self-assigned “protector” of Lebanon
and “defender” of future Palestine.
Basking in local and regional popularity, Hezbollah refused to disarm
after Israel’s departure and evolved into a state-within-a-state. It expanded
humanitarian services and diversified, competing in elections and assuming
cabinet positions. Hezbollah is now the dominant political party in Lebanon and
an active partner of Assad. For admirers, Hezbollah, the Party of God, is
known as “The Resistance.” For critics, this party is an illegitimate,
Iran-funded, Shiite militia.
Hezbollah’s first miscalculation may have been taking on Israel as
its own primary adversary, “until victory.” Its ideologues should know better:
Israel could only be contained through Arab unified action and pluralist state
building, not through questionable, outmoded, poorly planned, asymmetrical use
of force.
Hezbollah’s second miscalculation may have been its participation
in the Syrian civil war. By fighting along with the Syrian regime Hezbollah
antagonizes most Syrians, many Lebanese and the majority of Sunnis. The
Resistance also risks devastating defeat should the balance of power in Syria
change in favor of the opposition.
Hezbollah is not ideologically committed to President Assad. It
pragmatically supports Damascus rulers to survive and protect the Shiite
communities in Lebanon and Syria from likely revenge, should this ruler be
ousted militarily.
There are additional concerns. Hezbollah’s fighting in Syria has
unintentionally revived militarism among Lebanon’s rival communities.
Since renewed civil war in Lebanon is no longer unimaginable, the
Lebanese Forces (a previously demilitarized Maronite militia) has covertly remobilized
to “defend” the Christian community; other groups are, with increasing
frequency, committing suicide acts to “defend Sunni Islam” in Syria, Lebanon
and Iraq; and Palestinian refugees carry arms to protect their camps.
In three stages and three years, the conflict in Syria has
progressed from a peaceful uprising to a local civil war, and lately to a
regional sectarian conflict. This Syrian based, wider conflict is now between insecure
Gulf State Sunnite leaders and Iran’s clerical hierarchy. Never has
Hezbollah been as vulnerable to local and regional enemies as it is today. And
never has the country, which Hezbollah was created to protect, been as exposed.
Is there any sign of hope? With luck, international diplomacy could save
Lebanon. The Syrian conflict could be resolved politically if the ongoing
nuclear negotiations with Iran succeed.
Should Syria’s conflict end in 2014, Hezbollah could survive as a
political party, swallow its pride and integrate its military wing with the
Lebanese army. With progress in Syria, Lebanon may have a new president and a
better future.
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