Iran key to Syria's conflict
Iran Could
Play a Critical Role in Syrian Regime Change
West Palm
Jan 26,
The Geneva
II conference on Syria’s war, started January 22 in Montreux, Switzerland, and
resumed on Friday 24, in Geneva.
tyrannical Assad regime and a cluster of Islamic militant groups are competing
at destroying Syria to “save” it and to “liberate” it respectively. The regime
is supported by Iran and the Lebanese militia Hezbollah. The divided
opposition, including a variety of terror groups, is financed by Saudi Arabia, other
Gulf states and myriad international sources.
Unless Saudi
Arabia and Iran start cooperating in dealing with Syria Geneva II is doomed. To
replace President Assad in Damascus, Tehran could be assigned to engage in
delicate political surgery. In a misguided step by the United Nations, Iran was
“timed- out” from the decision making process.
While rebel
leaders and their supporters were cajoled by the international community to
attend the conference, President Assad was expected to end his rule and swallow
his pride; and his ally, Iran, was excluded from the decision making process of
the conference, a day before it started.
This conference
aims to replace Assad in order to install a transitional government, as if
dictators in power are good at compliance. Anyway, events have moved on over
three years of a civil war. The solution for Syria’s chaos now is beyond the
establishment of a national transition group. The challenge is to restore
safety, free prisoners, enhance humanitarian aid and rebuild the unity of the state.
It may not
be wise at this stage to treat the issue of Assad’s fate as the central
deadlock in the conflict. The more attention the timing of Assad’s leaving receives
the more difficult it will be to depose him and call for his departure.
While Secretary
of State John Kerry is right in viewing President Assad as the primary source
of trouble, Syria’s foreign minister Walid Mouallem is also justified in asserting
that the Syrian people must decide for their future. It is not well known that
nearly half of Syria’s society is still attached to the status quo, not because
many like Assad, but because they fear the consequences of a sectarian war:
massive revenge and permanent partitioning of the state.
Kerry has ignored
the damaging role of the rebels in exporting the conflict beyond Syria’s
borders; and Washington has embraced their patrons: Saudi Arabia and Qatar. And
the Syrian regime has been not been honest in labeling the entire opposition as
There is no
easy way to depose Assad, given the strength of his military and the moderate support
he still retains in mainstream society. In planning for Syria, attention is due
to Assad’s popularity among minorities and business groups, who choose
stability over freedom. Wide
divisions in the opposition and severe deterioration in the quality of the
struggle demand balanced diplomacy in easing this tyrant out.
The end of
Assad’s political term in office, due in a few months, may be the most feasible
time for his exit from power. But his exit is not assured as he threatens to
run for another term.
Assad has to
go but his army must not go with him, or be dismembered. Kerry has overlooked the importance of
securing the cooperation of Iran in the challenging removal of Assad without
dismantling his army.
Iran could
make a behind-the-scene deal with Saudi Arabia and the US to ease out Assad. However
Iran needs incentives to act. Three prospective rewards come to mind.
Assad nor his Alawite community is religiously, ethnically or emotionally close
to the Tehran regime. Tehran’s support for Damascus is a political alliance of
convenience between Iran and Syria.
President Hassan Rouhani would lean on Assad to end his term in order to secure
a safe exit for his ally, win assurances for his (Alawite) community and other communities
who have stood by him.
Rouhani will gain international recognition and achieve desperately needed
economic relief if he were to play a constructive role in Syria, a role which might
enhance dialogue on the nuclear issues with the six world powers. Today, Syria
for Iran is like Cuba was for the former Soviet Union, a costly resource drain.
In this soft
diplomacy Rouhani would need a hand from Saudi Arabia. The Arabian Kingdom must
realize that sectarianism is self destructive; it could eventually eliminate
any throne.
Russia and
the US must make a deal to jointly urge Iran and Saudi Arabia to contain
sectarian politics and find common in serving the region. It would be a
breakthrough for Syria and the entire region.
Geneva II is
a western model of conflict resolution addressing an Eastern crisis.
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